Sign up for JustWeather Email Newsletter Alert offers Email Newsletter Alert service to its customers. Those who are 13 years of age or older can sign up for the service at its official website by providing their email address. They will receive alerts and newsletters about their home city through emails in either HTML or text. After signing up JustWeather Email Newsletter Alert, subscriber will be able to receive regular alerts about weather, hurricane, and daily forecast. What’s more, they will be able to stay informed about local and national breaking news, and get News Headlines, Periodic Newsletters, Lifestyle Newsletters, and so on.
About Post-Newsweek Stations

Post-Newsweek Stations is a broadcasting service provider in the United States. Founded in 1949 as WTOP, Inc., it is now part of the Washington Post Company, a leading mass media company which is publicly traded in the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol WPO. The company is also a component of S&P 500 with 20,000 people, making $5.12 billion annually. Headquartered in Detroit, Michigan, Post-Newsweek Stations offers services to customers across the country with 2 VHF stations and 4 UHF stations. How Can You Sign up for Email Newsletter Alert from

  • Requirements
    1. A computer with Internet access.
    2. Your email address.
  • Step-By-Step Guide
    1. Go to the homepage of at related link 1 below.
    2. Choose a JustWeather home city and click on the link marked “Get Alerts” at the top right of the web page.
    3. Enter your email address into required fields and click “SUBMIT”. Choose the newsletter and alert services you want and then click “SAVE”.
    4. For further information, refer to JustWeather E-Mail Management FAQ at related link 2.
Related Links

  2. JustWeather E-Mail Management FAQ:
  3. Post-Newsweek Stations Wikipedia:

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